

按照“和平统一、一国两制”方针最终解决台湾问题,完成祖国的统一大业,是全体中国人民不可 动摇的意志.

It is the unshakable will of all the Chinese people to ultimately resolve the Taiwan question under the principle of “ peaceful reunification, one country two systems ” and accomplish the great cause of national reunification.


On the settlement of the Taiwan question, we do not undertake to renounce the use of force precisely for the purpose of facilitating a peaceful settlement.


The Chinese people will certainly accomplish the complete reunification of the country.


The Chinese nation always loves freedom and peace.


The Chinese people have always longed for peace prevailing across the world and wish to live in harmony with the people of all the other countries.


“ Benevolence and good-neighbourliness ” were all along regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors.


In modern times, the Chinese people suffered immensely from the scourge of war and aggression, so now they feel all the more strongly the value of freedom and peace.


The nation-building and development of each and every country requires a peaceful and stable international and domestic environment.


Freedom of a country and nation serves as a precondition and basis for the freedom of all its individuals.



It is our hope that the people of all countries can live in a world free from war and violence and free from suppression, discrimination and bullying.

中国实行以和平为宗旨的外交方针,坚持相互尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政的基 本原则.

China pursues a peace-oriented foreign policy and adheres to the basic principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non- aggression and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

中国主张不同社会制度的国家应该平等相待,和平共处,反对任何国家以任何形式把自己的政治制 度和意识形态强加于别国.

China is of the view that countries with different social systems should treat one another as equals and co-exist peacefully, and is opposed to any attempt to impose in any form one's own political system and ideology on other countries.


A developed, strong and prosperous China will pose no threat to anyone. It will only promote world peace, stability and development.


China will never seek hegemony. This is a solemn commitment of the Chinese people to the world.

中国人民选择和实践的社会主义发展道路和各项基本的内外政策,源于现代中国历史发展的必然, 也源于中华民族千百年来形成的优良民族传统,因而具有历史和现实的充分依据和牢固基础.

The road to socialist development and the basic domestic and foreign policies chosen and followed by the Chinese people have their origin in the logical historical development of modern China and in the fine national tradition of the Chinese nation formed over thousands of years. Therefore, they are well founded and firmly grounded in terms of both history and realities.

我们的目标是,到下个世纪中叶,即中华人民共和国成立一百周年时,基本实现现代化,把中国建 成富强民主文明的社会主义国家.

Our goal is to realize modernization by and large and turn China into a strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally-advanced socialist country by the middle of next century when the People's Republic of China celebrates its centenary.


The Chinese people are confident that they will brave and overcome all the difficulties and risks on their way forward and attain this great goal.


The stability and development of China will provide good opportunities for China and the UK to carry out friendly cooperation in various fields.

中国愿与英国共同努力,将一个充满活力的中英全面合作伙伴关系带入 21 世纪.

China is ready to work together with the UK to bring a dynamic China-UK partnership of all-round cooperation into the 21st century.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Mankind is again at an important historical juncture when it is about to enter a new century and a new millennium.


Since the end of the Cold War, the world situation has, generally speaking, moved towards relaxation.


There has been an increasingly louder call for peace, stability and development from people of the world.

科学技术日新月异的发展,为人类开发和利用自然提供了空前巨大的能力,也为人类自身能力的发 展开辟了广阔的前景.

Science and technology, which advance by leads and bounds, have not only provided an unprecedented capacity for mankind to explore and harness nature, but also opened up broad prospects for the development of man's own ability.


But the world is far from tranquil, and world peace and development are still under threat in one way or another.


Power politics and hegemony still exist in international political, economic and security realms and have further asserted themselves.


Regional conflicts have erupted one after another.


The gap in development between North and South continues to widen.


Mankind is plagued by trans-national problems such as environmental degradation, arms proliferation, international crimes and terrorism.


If we fail to address these major problems promptly, it will be difficult for the world to develop further.


With regard to what course to follow and how to resolve these problems, the initiative is in the hands of the people of the world.

推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序,是各国人民和有远见的政治家必须认真而审慎思考的极 其重大的课题.

To help establish a just and rational new international political and economic order is a task of vital importance, a task that people of all countries and farsighted statesmen have to ponder over in seriousness and with prudence.

为维护世界和平,促进共同发展,所有的国家都必须遵循公认的国际关系基本准则,包括和平共处 五项原则和《联合国宪章》的宗旨与原则.

To safeguard world peace and promote common development, all countries must comply with the universally recognized basic norms governing international relations, including the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.






