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22 Keating, P. (2000), Engagement: Australia faces the Asia Pacific, Sydney: Macmillan.

23 See, Ravenhill, J. (2001), APEC and the Construction of Pacific Rim Regionalism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

24 近期一份阐述澳大利亚国防重心的白皮书实际上将中国视为可能引发亚太地区局势不安的根源,这正是陆克文的一贯看法。Manicom, J. and O'Neil, A. (2010), "Accommodation, realignment, or business as usual? Australia's response to a rising China", The Pacific Review 23(1): 23 - 44.

25 Sheridan, G. (2010), "The realist we need in foreign affairs", The Australian, December 9.

26 参见谭亚:“美国‘回归’后东亚合作的变与不变”,《人民日报》,2011年11月18日。

27 参见张蕴岭:“对东亚合作发展的再认识”,《当代亚太》,2008年第1期; 黄永光:“东亚地区制度化进程中的问题与中国的选择”,《国际经济评论》,2009年第6期。

28 Lardy, N.R. (2002), Integrating China into the Global Economy, Washington: Brookings Institute.

29 Kuik, C. (2008), "China's evolving multilateralism in Asia", in, K.E. Calder and F. Fukuyama, East Asian Multilateralism: Prospects for Regional Stability, Baltimore: John Hopkins Press: 109-142.

30 Johnston, A.I. (2008), Social States: China in International Relations, 1980-2000, Princeton: Princeton University Press, xiv.

31 Lynch, D. (2009), "Chinese thinking on the future of international relations: Realism as the Ti, rationalism as the Yong?", The China Quarterly 197(-1): 87-107.

32 Chan, G., Lee, P.K. and Chan, L.-H. (2012), China Engages Global Governance: A New World Order in the Making? London: Routledge.

33 Yuzawa, T. (2012), "The ASEAN Regional Forum: Challenges and prospects", in, M. Beeson and R. Stubbs The Routledge Handbook of Asian Regionalism, London: Routledge:338-349.

34 Jones, D.M. and Smith, M.L.R. (2007), "Making process, not progress: ASEAN and the evolving East Asian regional order", International Security 32(1): 148-184.

35 Barta, P. and Tejada, C. (2012), "Sea dispute upends Asian summit", Wall Street Journal, July 15.

36 Beeson, M. (2003), "Sovereignty under siege: globalisation and the state in Southeast Asia", Third World Quarterly 24(2): 357-374.

37 Storey, I. (2012), "Asean Is a house divided", Wall Street Journal, June 14.

38 Terada, T. (2012), "ASEAN Plus Three: Becoming more like a normal regionalism?", in, M. Beeson and R. Stubbs, The Routledge Handbook of Asian Regionalism, London: Routledge: 364-375.

39 Beeson, M. (2006), "American hegemony and regionalism: The rise of East Asia and the end of the Asia-Pacific", Geopolitics 11(4): 541-560.

40 Emmers, R. and Ravenhill, J. (2011), "The Asian and global financial crises: consequences for East Asian regionalism", Contemporary Politics 17(2): 133-149.

41 Pascha, W. (2007), "The role of regional financial arrangements and monetary integration in East Asia and Europe in relations with the United States", The Pacific Review 20(3): 423 - 446.

42 Terada, T. (2012), "ASEAN Plus Three: Becoming more like a normal regionalism?", in M. Beeson and R. Stubbs, The Routledge Handbook of Asian Regionalism, London: Routledge: 364-75.

43 Pinker, S. (2012), The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, New York: Viking; Weissman, M. (2012), The East Asian Peace: Conflict Prevention and Informal Peace Building, Basingstoke: Palgrave; Tertrais, B. (2012), "The Demise of Ares : The End of war as we know it?", Washington Post 35(3): 7-22.

44 Hille, K. (2013), "Return of warlike rhetoric from China", Financial Times, January 22.

45 Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (2012), Resources, Energy and Tourism China Review, Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.

46 Edwards, N. (2011), "Foreign Ownership of Australian Mining Profits Canberra", Briefing Paper Prepared for the Australian Greens.

47 Colebatch, T. (2012), "Mining states bake while the rest shiver", The Age, February 22.

48 Capling, A. (2004), All the Way with the USA: Australia, the US and Free trade, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.

49 Dorling, P. (2011), "Labor's secret curb on China", The Age, March 3.

50 Uren, D. (2012), The Kingdom and the Quarry: China, Australia, Fear and Greed, Collingwood: Black Inc..

51 Vasek, L. (2012), "We'll become part of Asia if denied more GST funding, WA premier Colin Barnett says", The Australian, May 20.

52 Wen, P. (2012), "Cold War warning as China hits out at defence co-operation with US ", The Age, May 15.

53 例如:Wang Yong, "The Politics of the TPP Are Plain:Target China", Global Asia,Vol.8, No.1, 2013:54-56;李向阳,“跨太平洋伙伴关系协定:中国崛起过程中的重大挑战”,《国际经济评论》,2012年第2期,第17~27页。

54 Bhagwati, J.N. (2012), "America's threat to trans-Pacific trade", East Asia Forum, January 10.

55 中日关系的恶化反映了经济相互依赖的有限性。尽管存在远近距离和沉没成本因素,许多日本公司仍在考虑在印度而非中国投资——这一转变具有潜在的地缘政治上和经济上的双重意义。参见Crabtree, J. (2013), "India benefits from Japan Inc shift", Financial Times, April 3.

56 许多中国分析家担心,美国政府正在利用“跨太平洋伙伴关系”协定来遏制中国的影响。参见Kenneth lieberthal and Wang Jisi, "Addressing U.S.-China Strategic Distrust", the John L. Thornton China Center at Brookings Institution, March 30, 2012, see http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2012/0330_china_lieberthal/0330_china_lieberthal.pdf. 但也有分析家认为,由于经济衰退,美国的“跨太平洋伙伴关系”政策必定失败。参见庞中英,“TPP就是一出空城计”,《环球时报》,2011年11月19日。

57 Wolf, M. (2012) , "Era of a diminished superpower", Financial Times, May 15.

58 强权政治的逻辑越来越具有影响力,在美国大学接受教育的现实主义学者如阎学通相信:传统大国美国与新兴大国中国之间的交锋是不可避免的。参见阎学通:《中国国家利益分析》,天津人民出版社,1996年。

59 Mearsheimer, J.J. (2001), The tragedy of Great Power Politics, New York: W.W. Norton; Friedberg, A.L. (2011), A Contest for Supremacy: China, America, and the Struggle for Mastery in Asia, New York: W.W. Norton; 王缉思:“美国霸权与中国崛起”,《外交评论》,2005年第5期,第13~16页;陈健:“中美关系发展的思考”,《世界经济与政治》,2012年第6期,第152~155页。

60 White, H. (2010), "Power shift: Australia's future between Washington and Beijing", Quarterly Essay, 391.

Can the "Concert of Asia" Mechanism Balance World Powers' Strategic Demands?

—Australia, China and the US in an era of interdependence

Mark Beeson Wang Yong

Abstract: Sino-American bilateral relationship is the most important in the world. No region will be more affected by this process than the Asia-Pacific, and no state will be more conscious of the threats and opportunities this transformation brings in its wake than Australia. Australia is the quintessential Asia-Pacific power, the principal driver of foreign policy has been a congenital anxiety about its perceived strategic vulnerability. Historically, Australian policymakers have experienced a good deal of ambivalence and cognitive dissonance when it comes to relations with "Asia". In reality, Australia's long-running, unequivocal, unquestioning support of the United States has arguably done neither country much good. Despite providing a plausible response to what seems like an inescapable structural transformation in the global economy and ultimately, perhaps, in the international balance of power, White's idea of a Concert of Asia cannot get much traction in Australia, how much more unlikely is it in the United States, or China for that matter?

Keywords: the Sino-Australian relationship, the Sino-American relationship, Asia-Pacific Community, Concert of Asia


马必胜(Mark Beeson),澳大利亚默多克大学政治学与国际关系学教授,《当代政治》杂志联合主编。



《Regionalism and Globalization in East Asia》、《Institutions of the Asia-Pacific》等。







