



1 Drezner, D.W. (2009), "Bad debts: Assessing China's financial influence in great power politics", International Security 34(2): 7-45; Miller, K. (2010), "Coping with China's financial power", Foreign Affairs 89(4): 96-109.

2 Chaudoin, S., Milner, H.V. and Tingley, D.H. (2010), "The center still holds: liberal internationalism survives", International Security 35(1): 75-94.

3 一位匿名评论家指出,巴拉克·奥巴马实际上从未使用过“转向”(pivot)一词。然而,这一术语很快为人们所广泛接受,用以描述美国政策的重大调整。参见Barnes, J.E. (2012), "U.S. plans naval shift toward Asia", Wall Street Journal, June 2.

4 在东盟地区论坛和亚太经济合作组织的成立以及推动东亚峰会召开的过程中,澳大利亚做出了比一般国家更大的贡献。Capling, A. (2008), "Twenty years of Australia's engagement with Asia", The Pacific Review 21(5): 601-622.

5 “中等国家”一词现在常被用来描述澳大利亚这样的国力不强、影响不大的国家。重要的是,澳大利亚历届工党政府一直选择用“中等国家”来描述澳大利亚。该词的含义及其所引起的批评,参见Beeson, M. (2011), "Can Australia save the world? The limits and possibilities of middle power diplomacy", Australian Journal of International Affairs 65(5): 563-577。

6 Layne, C. (2012), "This time it's real: The end of unipolarity and the Pax Americana", International Studies Quarterly 56(1): 203-213.

7 Cooper, A.F., Higgott, R.A. and Nossal, K.R. (1993), Relocating Middle Powers: Australia and Canada in a Changing World Order, Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press.

8 Korhonen, P. (1997), "Monopolising Asia: the politics of metaphor", The Pacific Review 10(3): 347-365; Iriye, A. (1967) Across the Pacific: An Inner History of American-East Asian Relations, New York: Harbinger.

9 众所周知,缩略词“金砖国家”(BRIC)由高盛投资公司首席经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔(Jim O'Neil)首创,但这却成为原本未合作过的四、五个国家举行实质性会谈的基础。

10 Saull, R. (2012), "Rethinking hegemony: Uneven development, historical blocs, and the world economic crisis", International Studies Quarterly 56(2): 323-338.

11 Zhao, S. (2012), "Shaping the regional context of China's rise: How the Obama administration brought back hedge in its engagement with China", Journal of Contemporary China 21(75): 369-389.

12 Camroux, D. (2012), "The East Asia Summit: Pan-Asian multilateralism rather than intra-Asian regionalism", in, M. Beeson and R. Stubbs, The Routledge Handbook of Asian Regionalism, London: Routledge:375-383.

13 Beeson, M. and li, F. (2012), "Charmed or alarmed? Reading China's regional relations", Journal of Contemporary China 21(73): 35-51.

14 根据香港《文汇报》近期的一项民意调查,中国政府应采取更加强硬的姿态来捍卫南海主权完整。参见《文汇报》网页: http://news.wenweipo.com/2011/06/13/IN1106130126.htm。

15 Hookway, J. (2012), "Sea tensions deepen with China's rise", Wall Street Journal June 7.

16 Commonwealth of Australia (2012), Australia in the Asian Century, CoA: Canberra.

17 Rozman, G. (2004), Northeast Asia's Stunted Regionalism: Bilateral Distrust in the Shadow of Globalisation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

18 Walker, D. (1999), Anxious Nation: Australia and the Rise of Asia 1850-1939, St Lucia: University of Queensland Press.

19 Acharya, A. (2011), "Engagement or entrapment? Scholarship and policymaking on Asian regionalism", International Studies Review 13(1): 12-17.

20 澳大利亚—新西兰—美国同盟(ANZUS)实际上仅限于澳大利亚和美国,因为新西兰拒绝装备有核武器或核动力舰艇停靠。对澳大利亚来说,这一同盟依然重要,也在澳大利亚民众中获得更普遍的支持。参见Hanson, F. (2011), Australia and the World: Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, Sydney: Lowy Institute.






